Grant & Aid
We understand and appreciate the financial commitment and sacrifice that families undertake in deciding to send their children to a Catholic school. Although paying for education is first and foremost the responsibility of a family, each school, parish and the Archdiocese of Baltimore devote significant funds each year to financial aid programs that help assist families. In turn, our school communities benefit by attracting students that otherwise would not be able to attend our schools.
Financial Assistance is available through the Archdiocese of Baltimore, School of the Incarnation, and some parishes. Families interested in applying for tuition assistance from any of these sources must complete a financial aid application through FACTS, our tuition payment service. Visit FACTS for more information and to access the Grant and Aid application which opens each fall for the following year. The deadline to apply for assistance is February 28th for aid from the Archdiocese of Baltimore and for aid from School of the Incarnation. Parents may submit an aid application prior to receiving an offer of acceptance; however, financial aid decisions will not be available until late spring.
Please contact the Business Manager, Caroline Agresti at 410-519-2285 ext. 2102 for more information or follow the below link under FACTS to complete your application online.
FACTS is the tuition management and grant and aid platform used by the schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. All families are asked to create an account with FACTS to manage their tuition payments. The grant and aid application is housed on the same platform for every school, parish, and the Archdiocese of Baltimore assistance. Therefore, a family need apply only once for possible support from these various sources. More information about FACTS can be found here.
School Based Scholarship Programs
John Paul II Character in Leadership Scholarship
This scholarship is traditionally funded by donations from current and past School of the Incarnation board members. Each year, three $1,000 scholarships will be awarded, one each to a current 5th, 6th, and 7th grade student to be used toward the following year's tuition. Applications are made available on the school website (under Resources) each spring. Applications package download here.
The Knott Scholarships for Grades 4 & 8
The Knott Scholarship Funds award four-year, full-tuition scholarships to attend a Catholic parish elementary school, Catholic high school, Catholic college in Baltimore City, or in Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Carroll, Frederick, Harford, or Howard counties. These scholarships are awarded to Catholic students who excel in academics. To apply, the student MUST meet ALL of the criteria listed on the website. For more information or to request an application, visit knottscholar.org or contact:
Knott Scholarship Funds
5850 Waterloo Road
Suite 140
Columbia, MD 21045
Phone: 443-325-7884
Scholarships for Military and First Responder Families
Folds of Honor
The Folds of Honor scholarship application window is open between February 1 and March 31 each year. All applications must be completed and submitted using our online application portal. For more information, visit https://foldsofhonor.org/scholarships/
Catholic School Scholarship Programs
The Theresa F. Truschel Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Established in 2007 to provide scholarships to students attending Catholic schools at all levels, as well as to provide grants to Catholic institutions and organizations helping those in need who require temporary financial assistance to support themselves and their families. Applications for 2025-2026 will be available April 1, 2025 and must be post-marked by April 30, 2025. Awards will be made in June 2025. For more information, visit theresaftruschel.googlepages.com or write:
The Theresa F. Truschel Charitable Foundation, Inc.
P.O. Box 19142
Baltimore, MD 21284
Phone: 410.494.4463/Fax: 410.494.4492
Daniel Rudd Scholarship Fund
The Daniel Rudd Scholarship Fund is administered by the Office and Board of African American Catholic Ministries of the Archdiocese of Baltimore. The Scholarship named after the founder of the National Black Catholic Congress is open to low income Catholic students currently residing in the metropolitan area of Baltimore and enrolled in a Catholic Elementary or High School within the Archdiocese of Baltimore. For more information, call (410) 625-8472 or email [email protected].